Insulative Coat
NanoTech Insulative Coat is a groundbreaking advancement in protective heat-control coatings. The product delivers superior emissivity and energy efficiency through the integration of NanoTech Insulative Ceramic Particle (ICP)â„¢ technology into a highly robust base matrix. With its unusually low thermal conductivity, NanoTech Insulative Coat delivers powerful insulative properties for environments in which precise thermal control is essential, setting a new standard in high-performance, energy-efficient insulation materials.

How It Works

Cool Touch
Energy Conservation Applications
NanoTech Insulative Coat was applied to a boiler system with remarkable results, demonstrating the effectiveness of the NanoTech insulative technology in energy conservation.
- The boiler in a multifamily housing setting was experiencing high energy consumption and elevated heating cycles, commonly referred to as ‘boiler strikes’
Application of NanoTech’s Insulative Coat:
- The exterior of the boiler is coated with a thin yet highly effective layer of NanoTech Insulative Coat, providing highly effective thermal regulation.
- Post-application data revealed a significant reduction in boiler strikes, dropping by 40,000 instances annually. The reduction in boiler strikes produces a substantial decrease in energy use and building operating cost for the apartment complex.
- NanoTech Insulative Coat proved its dual capability to retain heat when necessary to reduce boiler cycling, and in resisting external heat, making it a power energy conservation tool for a wide variet of settings and applications.
Use Case: Better Beer
NanoTech Insulative Coat proved to be a game-changer for a brewery’s glycol-cooled beer tanks whose traditional insulation methods were falling short. The existing four-inch thick spray foam insulation had degraded due to moisture, causing excessive ice buildup. NanoTech Insulative Coat offered not only improved system cooling but also delivered a more appealing look.
OPEX Savings:
The insulative coating also resulted in a noticeable reduction in glycol usage, leading to lower operating costs, improved energy efficiency, and reducing the brewery’s environmental footprint.
Moisture Resistance:
Unlike the spray foam, NanoTech Insulative Coat is impervious to moisture, preventing the degradation that plagues legacy insulation materials.
Thickness Reduction:
With a coat of only 2mm (5/64″) in thickness, NanoTech Insulative Coat replaced the more than 100mm (4″) bulk of spray foam, reducing material load and delivering more durable insulation with better aesthetics.
Icing Mitigation:
Post application, the incidence of icing on the tanks was significantly reduced, streamlining maintenance and preserving the integrity and life of the cooling tanks.